The importance of putting makeup on your neck as well as your face for photos

At Marissa and Andy’s wedding as well as Kwondoni and Angelo’s I learned a valuable lesson I’d love to share with other potential brides out there. Normally when one puts on make-up, they only put it on their face. This seems like a no brainer. For day to day use, when you aren’t getting over 1000 photos of you taken in a day with bright flash, this isn’t a problem. But when you have high quality cameras photographing you that pick up every little detail, this can cause an issue. By only placing your makeup on their face, in photos brides often come out looking two toned, one on their face, and the rest of the skin on their body another. This results in your head looking like it was pasted on in photos unless your photographer is willing to do a fair amount of retouching work.

At Marissa’s wedding, her make-up artist was aware of this potential problem, so she brought a light coat of the airbrush makeup all the way down to below the neckline of the dress so there would be no line, including her shoulders and her back. Air Brush Makeup
Kwondani had seen this type of effect in photos before. So she asked us to show her the previews of the photos on the backs of our cameras after her make up was done. Then she adjusted it as necessary down her neck until we could no longer see an obvious line between where the make up began and where it ended. It only took just a few moments of blending the edges to fix something that would have taken hours in post production to fix on hundreds of photos. If you don’t have a makeup artist to do your make up, you can get the same effect yourself by just getting a sponge and diluting your foundation with a little moisturizer. Use this foundation-izer combo on your neck and edge of your face where the make-up meets your hair line and work it in with the sponge. This will make it easier to fade the make-up out. Then do as Kwondoni did and ask your photographer or friend to take a photo of you with flash. Look and see if you like the way it looks. Trust me, taking these few extra minutes to do this step will be more than worthwhile!

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