Happy New Year and Happy Wed-Dance-Day to you all! Over the years whenever a groom has confessed to me his worries about the first dance, the advice I always give them is the same: really all a girl wants is to be spun. I don’t know why we like it so much, but we REALLY do! If a guy can execute a few simple turns on the dance floor, he is golden! The genuine smiles that will come upon his bride’s face as a result will be priceless in the wedding pictures. This week Peter walks us through how to do four different types of spins and turns: 1) outside turn, 2) inside turn, 3) turn from cuddle position, and 4) roll out turn.
Getting these turns right may take some practice so be sure to try them out a few times before your big day. Ladies remember nice graceful hands and to let HIM lead you into the turns and don’t just start to spin on your own. This will make sure that BOTH of you look like you know what you are doing. Guys, before you spin her outside of the basic dance frame, make sure there is enough room for the move to ensure you aren’t bashing your bride into your wonderful wedding guests.
Beautiful 😉