2012 Adventures in Marketing – Thinking outside the bridal box

For 2012 I decided to give the knot a shot. As a bride it was a site I used a ton, so I figured it was probably a smart thing to do. Upon enrolling in the plan I went ahead and put up a pretty picture of one of our brides as our profile icon. After uploading this image I went to their site, and then saw that all 122 other listed photographers had done pretty much the same thing, and that these images were minimized down to being only about 1 inch tall. So I thought to myself, I often go to Jasmine Star’s blog just to check out shots of her adorable dog Polo. And most of the couples who usually choose me have a great sense of humor, so why not take that, and run with it. So I give you our new knot profile image: Ring Bearer Buddy.

While setting up the shot, my husband was quite worried that our dog Buddy would mistake our rings for nice shiny treats and eat them for lunch, but luckily for us, that was not the case, and they are back safely on our fingers. Happy New Year everyone!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Giovanna

    OMG this is adorable!!!! Loll.. what a cutie and what a creative idea. I always wanted to use my dog like this but this never ocurred to me. Great work you guys and I just want to eat your dog! :)) hugs.

  2. Cathy Crawley

    How adorable is little Buddy! I could never get my dogs to pose for me like this, well done!

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