How to get a good first kiss shot

Something everyone wants to get is a beautiful first kiss shot.

The way to up your odds for a picture perfect smooch is to follow these tips:Great First Kiss by Fucci's Photos

1) First and foremost is to make sure you take your time when you do the first kiss. Instead of just doing a quick peck on the lips, try to go in slowly, and do a gentle kiss for about 3 seconds, and then pull away slowly. This will give your photographer a MUCH better chance of getting a good shot, or 3.

2) Try to avoid smushing your faces together. Smushed noses usually aren’t the most attractive shots.

3) Don’t be afraid to embrace each other. When you only kiss without touching at all, it can make it look very stiff.

4) If you are planning to do a kiss with a dip, let your photographer know in advance.

5) Enjoy it!

If you follow these basic steps you are likely to get a fantastic first kiss shot.

If you found this post helpful email the link to your friends when they get engaged or if they are bridesmaids in a wedding.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Creative Expressions Photography

    Ahhh…the “kiss” pose…

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