Be sure to look at each other as you recess out from your ceremony

A few years ago I stumbled onto a little piece of magic in wedding photography.  As a couple recesses out of their ceremony they can either look at their guests, look down, look straight ahead at the camera,  look at each other, or do a combination of these things.  If you want a romantic shot of the two of you leaving your ceremony as newlyweds, be sure to look at each other!  I tell all my couples right before they start their ceremony a few key things: 1) don’t feel like you have to look at the camera, enjoy your ceremony, pretend we aren’t even there 2) remember to hold their first kiss for about 3 seconds (none of your guests wants to see a quicky, but they don’t want to see a makeout session either), 3) embrace during the kiss, touching shows connection in a photo and 4) remember as you recess out to look each other.  Inevitably the couple always forgets to look at each other with all the excitement, but then when I make a motion for them to look at each other, it pops back into their heads.  Even better is when they pause for just a quick moment and give a little kiss in the aisle.  Below is a perfect example.

Which would you rather have in your album?

Be sure to look at each other as you recess out of your wedding ceremony for a romantic shot, Vail Fucci Fucci's Photos

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Creative Expressions Photography

    Simple tips for great results…

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