Southern Hospitality Meets New England Charm — Lauryn and Joe’s Bar Harbor, Maine Wedding
Post published:November 21, 2016
Lauryn and Joe met in Lauryn’s home state of Texas at Sam Houston State University. This southern belle and James Dean lookalike were sweet as pecan pie together. After graduating, the two left the lone star state and moved up north to Massachusetts where Lauryn became a teacher at the Lowell School. I met Lauryn through my friend, and second shooter, Stacy Vachon who also works at Lowell. This was the second time I have had the pleasure of shooting a Lowell School teacher’s wedding, and I hope it won’t be the last. Those ladies sure know how to have fun!
I was so excited when Joe and Lauryn told me their wedding would be at Joe’s family’s home in Bar Harbor, Maine. Bar Harbor is one of my favorite places on earth! I grew up in flat as can be South Florida, but as a high school student I fell in love with New England after I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a summer in Bar Harbor exploring it’s AMAZING natural wonders, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. The day before the wedding I got into town to shoot a few prep shots of the dress on the rocks in Joe’s backyard, but finished up in time to get to do a little walk down memory lane as well, finishing up the day with some outstanding stargazing. What a treat!
The wedding day was full of fun and laughter, but what really struck me was how close both Lauryn and Joe were with their families. The giant dessert bar was baked and artfully set up by Lauryn’s sister Meaghyn. Joe choose to have his father as a member of the bridal party, and his dad’s speech brought him to tears. The parent dances were so very touching. No one was looking to me to get photos with cheesed out grins. They were totally absorbed in the moment and there is nothing I like to capture more than that. It is so beautiful!